Hoof Problems

Some time ago I was struggling to understand why my horse was so uncomfortable after shoeing. He was always tender for a couple of days and he certainly wasn’t totally happy for some time afterwards. He also couldn’t cope with rocky, muddy, or less than perfect ground, due to thin soles and low heels.

So my farrier suggested hoof hardening treatments. Theses were often a pain to put on and didn’t really improve things. He also mentioned Biotin,  which would help From the inside out. So I did some research and found the product with the highest Biotin content I could find, which was Hoof First by Horse First.

He has never looked back, his feet are now stronger and better than they have ever been. This is a great product for a good price, so if your horse is suffering with his foot issues try this. It may take a couple of shoeings to see the difference, but it really has done the job for my boy.

Good luck.

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